Wednesday, June 23, 2010

For others from others Week 11

ahoy thar' maties!
Well it seems that with the added routes have caused me to not have enough time to write & post pictures. I spend a lot of time cleaning, organizing and resting my weary bones when needed. So the recorded documentation of my travels will have to cease. I will travel on looking for treasures and share the pictures with my mom who truly loves living vicariously through me. Plus it gives me more of an opportunity to talk to her because I love listening to her voice, while I am still able.

Treasure and a map that's what all pirates need so I will plot my next adventures maybe not using this Globe as it is to bulky and it is a liquor cabinet. I would really make a bad pirate because I don't drink.

Well its always good to be able to talk to the natives while traveling the high sea's maybe this French Tutorial will help.

Well I hope That I have inspired everyone to donate to their local charity if it can be used by another family and not fill the landfills needlessly!!

Good Day to all

Monday, June 14, 2010

For others from others Week 10

Wow I cant believe that I have been doing this for 10 weeks now! Time sure does fly by fast. Well this week seemed to about fun and games, that is basically all I found in the trash this week toys and games. But I do have to say that I did stumble upon a pickers dream, it was a can full of games, videos, radios and other neat things. After I got home and picked through what would be good for goodwill or the flea market I put the rest on the curb. When I was doing dishes I saw out my front window that there were two young girls digging through the bags, I thought to myself hummm future pickers of America.
I opened the door and scoffed at them telling them to make sure that they clean up their mess when they are done. I have the charisma of a cactus at times but I mean well, I just didn't want a mess strung all over. That is one of my pet peeves that I see other pickers do they string through to get what they want and leave a huge mess with no regard for anything other than what they are looking for. Usually I "squeeze the Charmin" as I call it and feel out the bag you can tell a lot be just feeling, and if I feel that there is somethings worthy I will take the bag home and sort it out, this way I am not making a mess while looking for treasures.
So anyway I thought to myself that these girls might just be future pickers so I brought them out a basket with some shells that I found on the beach and a bottle of hand sanitizer. I expressed that there is a lot of things in trash that they want to be careful of I told them that there is a lot of nasty things lurking in trash and if they are going to do it they should always use hand sanitizer and never touch any place on their faces until their hands are clean. I also told them that they should get some gloves as well. Another thing that I told them was to always clean up after yourself. They smiled and thanked me.
As for the next few weeks I am limited to picking only around my neighborhood as my husband is traveling daily to go to school and we only have one car. But that is fine with me because I have so much I can work with,Last week we donated three huge bags of clothes to goodwill and had a $1.00 or less sale at the flea market. Things didn't go that well there I think it was just too hot, the heat index that day was about 110 degrees. I am glad that we brought a fan with us.

Can-Can Can brand new cans of dog food. I hope that a nice puppy out there is happy with these.

This was in the trash as well and It has a mark on the bottom but I can not make it out so I am not sure if it is an original or something that was bought off the shelf because it looked good.It is about a gallon pitcher and now is my sweet tea pitcher.

Here is the fun I spoke of, I had to untangle all the hair and such. I have box more of toys in the garage.One of the items here is the Avatar toys, I really liked that movie but cant understand why someone put these on the curb when it just came out.

Here is the games. Yahtzee was also in the group but is on the patio because me and my honey were playing last night.

This was a hair raising find! I was surprised that it worked, we plugged it in and rubbed Buddha for a bit, hopefully he brings us some luck.

This is the tale of two lights one of the dueling Dragon's the other of a crank flashlight/radio. Since Hurricane season is upon us we will need light and radio, I have always wanted one of these, now I have one!

Here is the Creme De la creme in the can!! A Bradford Exchange Limited Edition Harley Eagle. This is 2003 with a limitation of only 295 days of creation.

Well I hope everyone has a great week. Until next week I am your host with the most?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

For others from others Week 9

Another busy weeks has transpired here at the home-base of the Weekly Trash & Treasure.

1st I want to congratulate my husband for all of his hard work he finally made 3rd Class Petty Officer-Good Job Honey we all knew you could do it!

The week has been busy I have been trying to better organize everything that we have so it will fit into the car.I really want to open a storage unit at the flea market so I wont have to make weekly decisions on what can fit in the car and what can't. I am still trying to get a read for the flea marketers to see what types of things they are looking for.
But as for this week I found more clothes of course. Before it used to be all about the rugs now that I have plenty of those and also found that some can be a bit of work getting them cleaned after they have been on the curb we have decided that that is better left to those who have a trailer and a yard to really get all the fur and grime out of them.
As I was passing a lot of trash on the curb some of the houses place boxes on top of the gave me the feeling that they don't want it but they really don't consider it trash its like "special trash" it also made me think that I am like a stray cat digging through the trash for a tasty treat. Eventually you begin to learn who has the good curbside treasures and who just has trash. But like stray cats you keep feeding them and they will always be around. I had a house that I was really fond of... always good treasures out there but they were just in the process of moving. That is another thing that I am learning how to do "read the curb" what I mean by that is sometimes boxes are just boxes but they are always worth the look because those bunch of boxes usually indicate that someone has moved in or out and the chances of treasures are much greater in a situation like this. So if you see a pile of boxes and bags on the corner watch out for my hazard lights because I am pulling over!

Lions, Tiggers and Bears oh My!

Now I can not say that all the things I have acquired are curbside treasures, some are yard sale treasures. In the case of these plates. I picked up all the bear ones $5 for the whole set and I looked them up on ebay and they start at $10 on the low end and go to $25 on the high end. We shall see how they do.The little bears were .25¢and the cows are a 4 service set and were on the curb.

Really...Greetings, well wishes and Birthdays too. If there is an occasion it might be in this box.I picked all of these 300+ cards up at a yard sale brand new Hallmark expressions. Now I have some Birthdays and events coming up and just by the price marked on the back of two cards I have already paid for the box. Now that is some savvy shopping! I am going to sell them at the flea market for .25¢ each, again it brings something to others at a cheap price and it will help to pay for the booth and us being there.

This is a Collectors Doll but she does not have a name on her Certificate and I was not going to disturb her from her slumber to see if there was one imprinted on her so for namesake I will call her Princess Aurora (or Briar Rose).

On occasions you can find good things at the curbside Five & Dime. This week we have super saver samples on all the popular brands test these products to try before you buy!

A tisket a tasket here is a picnic basket. I got this at a yard sale for $1.00,I thought of keeping it for my camping trips but I am not sure when all that is going to take place again.It is way to hot right now the humidity is really high and the spring and fall are the best times to camp here. This goes into the we shall see closet.

Well here is a tasty treat for the chocolate lover I found this at a yard sale new in package for $3.00 I also found a heart shaped fondue set to replace the Christmas one that I have.

Well to all those that read if you are looking for some treasures it pays to visit a Goodwill,yard sale, or your local curb because you never know what you may find!

This is your host with the most?
Until next week, just watch for my flashing lights.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

For others from others Week 8

Well it is another week and flying by really fast! It seems as if the weeks are just blending and the piles of clothes are growing. I have moved my posting day yet another day because I have added a new route to my schedule.If I keep going I won't have time to post. My husband is happy with only doing it 4 days a week. Since I have found the trash pick up route I could go every day and find things but my honey says 4 days is enough. OMG I think I am turning into a hoarder! We are like Robin Hood taking from the "haves" to provide for the "have nots" we pack things into the silver chariot and away we go. We have been finding so much things out there that we decided to help others in another way by taking things to the flea market. Since we find this for free we sell the clothes for .50¢ each and it makes it more affordable where as Goodwill sells theirs for $4.00 and up just for shirts.Someday we will need a trailer to get things, we were in what we call the "mountains", it is a wooded area near the house that makes you feel as if you have entirely left the city,it is so beautiful and quiet there.Anyway I had picked up a rolling hose winder as I needed one but that took up most of the back seat and we passed a beautiful wooden bench with spindles on it and I literally had to pass it up as there was no room for it :( But as I am learning there will always be more, always more trash and more waste to fill land fills.
OK I better move on to the good stuff before I need to get a soap box pulled in here and I start to feel like the president or something giving lengthy rants and raves.

When we passed this set of dishes I only spotted the cups and it looked like a case of canned peaches so I told my honey to pull over and let me have a look. Well I saw and I liked! Very much in deed, We have had a set of dishes that his parents gave us for one Christmas and we took several things into consideration that these were a 8 piece serving-less washing to do and also they fit better into the dishwasher,the other set is the cool new square ones but the downside is that the bowls and the dishwasher are not compatible. But I do have to say that we always got a square meal!

Matilda was sitting on a pile of things and I thought this would be nice for someone either as a fruit basket for orchard picking or a craft basket either way it is very functional and cute-I hope someone gets good use from her.

Its raining clothes I have so many here that I don't know how to really read the market for what to offer at the flea market and what to donate to Goodwill. I know that the car will not hold it all someday I hope to read the market to see what people are looking for.

Toys, Baby Bath,golf clubs and air purifier. I have to admit I was playing with the toys..I had dolls and cars that made noise and even Buzlight year my Sheeba went crazy over his noises! When we were out yesterday they were talking about various things on the Radio and one of them was about Jack Nicholson and how he had been accused of attacking with a golf club in the past and I thought of just the perfect match for Hollywood. I wonder if Jack sat back contemplating the same thing about Tiger Woods wife thinking Hummmmm now there is my soul-mate!

I found all this paint in a bag, funny thing is I like to paint but now I think that I have enough that I could paint the town!

Boogie Boards,Scooters and Chandeliers It seems as if some of the things we found were in pairs. Now we can Boogie, Scoot and Swing from the chandeliers!

Yes I know you are looking at all these playing cards and wondering if I am a card short of a full deck for doing all this. I assure you...its not me- just the cards that are lacking. So much for my favorite game of 52 pickup.

I found a box of Strawberry Short Cake items, a light, coaster, hat, pen/makeup case and a note book. There was no Strawberry smell-all gone.

Poor Sheeba-she is stuck wearing under-roos. I am glad that someone threw these away that was the same size as her. Now here is a tip for others to save money when your dog is in heat. we took 4T underpants (she is about 55lbs) put them on her legs backwards and where the penis hole is we measured where her tail would go and just cut it open to allow for her tail. Then we placed a thin maxi just at the area to catch the blood. Yes I know that they make these "fancy pants" especially for dogs in heat. But We don't have the fancy $30.00 per pair to pay for them when there is more economical ways. she is only going to be having 1 heat so she is at full maturity then we are going to get her fixed.

Well I hope anyone who reads this has a great rest of the week...until next time this is your host with the most?